This week key point is
- When technologies connect or separate people, they become media.
- Technologies embody social, political, cultural, ecinomic and philoshical ideas and relationships.
-When a medium is new, it is often used to simnlatr old madia.
-New media do not replace old madia, they displace thwm.
-people make madia then madis make people.
→New madia technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate people.
→When new media technologies faciliate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and econonmic relationships.
#Social networks as science : field
-social network analysis is an interdisclinary social science, but has been of especial concern to sociologists
-rexently, physicists and mathematicians have made large contributions to undwrstanding networks in general (as graphs) and thus contibutend to an understanding of social networks too.
#Social networks as science : defiinition
[Social network analysis] is grounded in the observation that social actors [i.e., people] are interdependent and that the links [i.e., people] among them have imporant consequences for every individual [and for all of the important consequences for every individual [and for all of the individuals togeter]
[Relationships] provide individuals with opportunities and, at the same time, potential constraints on their behavior
Social network analysis involves theorizing, model building and empirical reserch focused on uncovering the patterning of among actors. It is concerned also with uncovering the antecedents and conseqnces of recurrent patterns.
#Social networks as science : history
-Stanley Milgram (1967) "The Small World Problem," psychology Today Milgram sent 60 letters to variouits in Wichita, Kansas who Were asked to forward the letter to the wife of a divinty student living at a specified location in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The participants could only pass the letters (by hans) to personal acquaintances who they thought might be able to reach the target - whether directly or via a " friend of a frind". : "six-degrees of separation"
#Social networks as science : equivalence
A and B are "structurally equivalent" because they connect to the same people and thus people and thus have equivalent positions in the network
#Social networks as science : soccial capital
-if you connect separate networks you have bridging capital ("the guy")
-if you are central to a network you have bonding capital ("diane")
#Social networks as science : bowling alone
-sociologist robert putnam claims that united states citizens nolonger know or trust their neighbors and thus communities have lost their social capital
-recall today's key points
+ new madis technologies usually reinforce existing social networks or even work to isolate peopls.
+ When new media tehno;ogies facilitate new social networks, they simultaneously challenge existing social, political and econcmic relationships
#Social networks as technology
-email, newsgroups, and weblogs
-in the design of the arpanet (the forerunner to the internet)email was an afterthought
#social networks as popular culture
-socal software; e.g., friendster, orkut, tribe, cyworld etc.
-recall the article by danah boyd: what happens to social networks when they are explicitly declared? - "[danch] emphasiz [s] how users have repurposed the technology to present their identity and connect in personally meaningful ways while the architect works to define and regulate acceptable models of use."
-to understand "artificial" social networks we need to rethink the social scientific concepts of "equivalence,""centrality," even " node"and "link."
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