last week, we had mid-term test. and today we learned many things.the key point is People often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.related point is ethics, aesthetics , teleology and design.And we learned about the history of HCI.history of HCI as tools: people- for example, as we know, Vannevar Bush's memex. and Doug Engelbart's mouse, GUI, word processing, etc.
learn to link them tightly with this thing called "the real", to think of them as unbreakable and natural linksto an absolute experience of physical phenomena.When digital media technologies connect or separate people, they become media.Technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical ideas and relationships.Method that generate a useful critique of this moment is raised within that mighty architecture and so steeped in it that not only is it invisivle but we view with deep suspicion or outright derision ways of circumventing or fracturing its hegemony.Cyberspace doesn't turn out to be merely a distraction, an enery drain that turns our focus away from deeper changes in the working of capital, information and thought.The simple point of all this is that it's up to us. We can pay attention or allow ourseelves to be distracted.Questions about whether cyberculture will be individually, is willing to contribute.
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